Pirate Nation is an immersive role-playing game, drawing inspiration from beloved classics such as ‘Hook,’ ‘One Piece,’ and ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’. It is an on-chain RPG on ETH and playable on Arbitrum Nova by Proof Of Play. It seamlessly combines elements of the popular casual gaming market, cutting-edge web3 technology, and a system of shared ownership.
Quests are the epitome of the game, your crew can be sent to carry them out to gain XP and level up(for a particular pirate). Since the launch of Beta, the team at Pirate Nation is making certain that this game has a vast future ahead with continuously evolving features and updates. They really care about what the community thinks. Five weeks after the beta launched, they brought about 6 updates specifically requested by the community.

The team at Pirate Nation comes from major gaming companies like Epic Games, Blizzard, Riot Games, Zynga, Disney, and $1b+ franchises like FarmVille and Madden.
8 Must Know In-Game Features
For playing Pirate Nation there are 6 in-game interactions you MUST know of before playing to get a good idea of what you’ll be experiencing.
1. Types of Quests
As priorly mentioned, quests are the most pivotal part of the game. They bring the game to life. You start off with 150 ENERGY. The amount of energy per quest varies. Energy is replenished at the rate of ‘1’ energy after 10 minutes. So if you carry out a quest that takes say 5 energy, you’ll get it back after 50 minutes. It’s important to utilize it carefully. Another thing worth mentioning is you can embark on multiple quests in a row. They will be in a queue that will be completed one-by-one in an orderly fashion.

Combat Quests
The game currently only has Player vs Environment combat as of now. Player vs Players inclusion is also promised and will be added in the near future.

Types of Quests
There are 3 types of Quests: Basic, Advanced and Cooldown Quests. If a Pirate meets the requirements, then he can immediately be sent for a Basic Quest. Some items are uncraftable so they can only be obtained from the Advanced Quests, and as for Cooldown Quests, they can only be done once for a determined amount of time.
2. Bounties — The Energy Saver
The thing you’ll love about bounties is that it does NOT use your precious Energy. Bounties last around 11 hours, but the pirates that are pursuing a bounty cannot be used for other purposes. You receive a basic resource of your liking for undertaking a bounty. You can also be qualified for bonuses. There are 3 bonus tiers that range from 5,10 and 20 pirates respectively.
Bounties are a great way to utilize your time and energy.

3. Managing Inventory
The Inventory section is quite simple if you’ve ever played a game that has an Inventory option. Like Minecraft, your Inventory starts out empty. You have to utilize your pirates to start racking up the resources. You can click on an item in your Inventory to reveal its details. For example, the background color represents what the rarity of the item is. You can also purchase resources from the ‘view market’ button.

Item rarity is also key. The more difficult it is to obtain an item, the higher the rarity.
Easy to attain items have low rarity while high rarity items can only be obtained from limited time, small prize-pools. They cannot even be crafted! Here is a chart showing what color reflects the level of rarity.

4. Know Your Crafting
Once you acquire the necessary materials, a world of crafting opportunities unfolds. Ranging from items you could put to use to items that are just ‘nice looking’. For instance, completing the Mine Iron quests allows you to collect 3 Iron Ore, which can then be used to craft an Iron Anchor—a crucial component for initiating the Ambush Traders quest!

It is important to take resources into account while crafting. The resources in this NFT game have THREE tiers. Tier 3 resources can only be acquired by doing quests that require tier 2 resources.
Tier 3 resources are of the highest rarity while tier 1 are the most common.

5. Activity Log —- Keeping Track
The log of the actions carried out by your crew can be tracked. Complete with links to chain references. These actions are continually updated as they advance through various stages, and you can access the transaction details.

6. Your Very Own Pirate Crew
Pirates are an integral part of the game, as you cannot play if you don’t have a pirate. You can purchase one on Opensea, Trove or Blur.
You can set one of your pirates as the Captain. Captains receive the special benefit of 10% bonus gaining XP on quests. Another bonus for a Captain is if they run out of energy, it can be restored by using the Rum item.
After gaining enough XP, Pirates can be leveled up by investing Gold(in-game currency). The higher the level of the Pirate, the bigger the reward they can reap.
Elemental Affinity
Elemental affinity is a very interesting feature. Each Pirate has affinity for one element. Each element has disadvantages/advantages over other elements. Fire, Earth, Water, Air and Lightning are the 5 elements.
Here is a chart explaining the weakness of each element(or vice versa).

Pirates also hold 5 different kinds of Expertise. Damage, Evasion, Health, Speed and Accuracy. Again, the higher the level of the Pirate the bigger the size of the advantage.
7. Islands — Your Personal Haven
Each player will receive an Island at the start of their journey. The Island will be of a fixed size and it will be completely customizable. You have the chance to unleash the artist inside you and design the Island to your liking. You can access the inventory and craft right from your beloved realm. According to the devs, players will be able to do way more interesting stuff with their Island in the near future. One more thing to keep us at the edge of our seats.

8. Ships — A Pirates Essence
Ships can be pretty difficult to get your hands on in this web-3 game. First you need to quest for a High Seas map. Using that map you have to search for Ship Plans. Once you have everything only then are you ready to construct a Ship.
Keep in mind that some Ships are limited editions and they cannot be crafted.
Ships also have the same Stats as Pirates; Damage, Evasion, Health, Speed and Accuracy.
The Ships currently available in the game are:
- Pirate’s Skiff
- Pirate’s Sloop
- Pirate’s Galleon
- Rogue’s Galleon
Ships also have the ability to equip items. This improves the Ships’ stats. Experiment around with different items to see what works best for your Ships.

Fully On-Chain Game: What it Means
It’ll run forever as long as the blockchain exists. So if the Game developers even go off the grid, the game will still be up and running. This guarantees the games permanence and composability. All items, currencies, and game logic are constructed using smart contracts.

Innovative Gasless Gameplay
The Team at Pirate Nation did not want players to have to confirm transactions whenever they wanted to make a transaction. A new system has been introduced for the first time in the web-3 gaming world. A secondary wallet that will be built in-game, so that players don’t have to confirm transactions over and over. The players don’t have to worry about the gas fees either! There is a guarantee of this being completely safe as no assets will be in this in-game wallet and no progress will be lost. In the future they might offer for you to choose between having the in-game wallet or not but for now they want to create the playing process as smooth as possible. The contract has also been audited by the company “Halborn”.

How Do I Get Started?
Well first things first, you can get your very own Founder’s Pirate, genesis collection & in-game “production facility” from either Trove, OpenSea and Blur. You only need a MetaMask extension or any other ERC wallet, and since all gameplay is on Arbitrum Nova you can use the official Arbitrum Bridge. Furthermore, you can check out the gameplay of Pirate Nation. Pirate Nation also provides a public Roadmap for all to see and they update it so consistently that you’re gonna HAVE to keep track.
This article has been written by The Web3 Game writer Khawaja Affan, and edited by Jeffrey.