South Korea based FourThirtyThree Inc. (4:33), led by game industry veteran Joonmo Kwon, created Delabs Games. The new web3 gaming studio aims to deliver fun games with blockchain elements than can live on forever.
Brief History
Joonmo Kwon is the former CEO of the mobile division of video game publisher Nexon, founded on December 26, 1994 in South Korea. Prior to this career move Nexon acquired his first startup, Entelligent, which Kwon founded in 2001. The acquisition took place 4 years after launching Entelligent.
The former professor (Ph.D in motivational psychology) founded game studio 4:33 in 2009 with the idea to launch games that are socially interactive and entertaining. In 2023 Delabs Games came to light, though game titles have been in development since 2021.
“If there is a wave, I have to surf. I believe that the blockchain wave will be 10 times bigger than the previous ones. I have experienced all the major paradigm shifts in the gaming industry. In the last two decades we have seen shifts from stand-alone games to online games. Pay too download, to free to play. And pc to mobile. Now blockchain is the next paradigm shift in the game industry because it gives more power to the gamer, ”
Joonmo Kwon.
Vision and Mission
Any release coming from Delabs Games will be free to play for everyone. Kwon was one of the early movers in this model with mobile gaming, one of the drivers behind his early success. Web2 players will be able to play games without any additional complex technological requirements. The onboarding process will be kept so simple, web2 players won’t even know they play a web3 game until it matters. Therefor a wallet is not a requirement, nor needing to have any knowledge about NFTs and crypto in general.
According to Kwon, web3 games are the answer to current problems in traditional web2 games. The average player spends a lot of time and money on games they play. What if the game goes out of service? It leaves gamers empty handed. With blockchain, players can own their in-game assets forever.
On April 7, 2023, Delabs Games raised 300 ETH (~$560,000) from their community through a sold out mint of their Adventure Pass with a supply of 3,433. The company kept 433 passes for community events and promotional collaborations. (More info below)
On July 25, 2023, Delabs Games announced the completion of a $4.7 million seed investment round. The investment round was led by Hashed Ventures, with Spartan Labs, Polygon Labs, blockchain gaming startup Planetarium, and gaming-centric decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) Merit Circle also participating.

Games in Development
Delabs Game developers are currently working on three different titles for desktop players, with the intention to launch on mobile later. The first game to launch is a kart game, Rumble Racing Star (RRS). It’s close to home for Kwon as Kart Rider is one of the most popular games Nexon has ever released and continues to expand on.
Kart Rider was once so popular that nearly 1/3rd of Korea’s population has played it. Delabs Games aims to bring this same magic to all their upcoming game titles.
Rumble Racing Star
Compete against other kart drivers with unique characters in the lawnmower kart racing game. Use special items and skills on dynamic racing tracks to defeat other players on your way to the trophy stage! Uniting Bored Apes, Goblins, y00ts, and more profile pictures from other NFT collections.
Read all about Rumble Racing Star.
Space Frontier
Build, craft, fight to survive. Develop your own personal planet. Defeat invaders. Create a future for your settlement. You are humanity’s last hope.
Read all about Space Frontier (link coming soon)
The world has ended, but it is not as hopeless as it seems. Collect stylish characters and grow your party to take control of the lawless zone. It is up to you whether you want to be its owner or its strongest challenger.
Read all about Metabolts (link coming soon)

Delabs Adventure Pass
The Delabs Adventure Pass is the first NFT collection released by Delabs Games. The pass acts as an exclusive membership with only 3,433 passes to ever be in circulation. Holders of the pass gain a growing amount of benefits and perks for being loyal to the gaming company. They were among the first to beta test Rumble Racing Star and were already airdropped a special Ladybug Kart for free that can be used in the kart game.

Benefits for holding the Delabs Adventure Pass include a variety of fun and exclusive perks. With more being added along the way to provide constant value to the gamers in their community.
- Early access to all future game titles
- Exclusive in-game items
- Exclusive in-game NFT airdrops
- Exchange ticket for 1 season of any Delabs Battle Pass
- IRL event invitations and access to Delabs merchandise
- Delabs Games Only Tournaments
- Redeemable Starter Pack
What is the staking mechanism for the Adventure Pass?
Delabs is using hard staking, meaning the NFTs will leave your self custodial wallet during this period. When you stake your Adventure Pass, your Adventure Pass will move from your wallet and be stored in the smart contract. You will need to first send an approval transaction so that the smart contract can interact with the Adventure Passes in your wallet. Once you send the approval transaction, you will need to send a staking transaction to complete staking your Adventure Pass.
Note: The number of unique holders will go down when staking opens because one of the holders will be the staking contract.
How do I earn points for staking my Adventure Pass?
You will earn one point for every 10 minutes that your Adventure Pass is staked.
How do I level up my Adventure Pass with staking?
When you stake your Adventure Pass, you will have two options:
No Lockup: You can unstake your Adventure Pass at any time.
Lockup: Unstaking is not possible for a designated period of time. I
f you choose No Lockup, your Adventure Pass will earn points, but it will not level up.
Here is the lockup leveling structure:
30 Days: +1 Level
60 Days: +3 Levels
100 Days: +7 levels
180 Days: +17 levels
433 Days: +60 levels
If you leave your Adventure Pass staked after the lockup period ends, the staking will continue, and your Adventure Pass will continue to gain points but not levels. You want to level up after your lockup period ends? You must lockup your Adventure Pass again.
If I don’t lock my Adventure Pass will I still earn points?
Yes. Your Adventure Pass will still be able to earn points even if you decide to stake with no lockup. What happens when my lockup period ends? When your lockup period ends, your pass will remain staked and continue to earn points.
At this point you will have 3 options.
- 1. Do nothing. This will not level up your pass, but will continue to accumulate points.
- 2. Lock your pass again in order to continue leveling up. You will be able to lock your pass without having to unstake. You can simply select the pass you want to lock, click the Lock Selected button, select the locking period, and proceed with the transaction to lock your pass. You can lock multiple passes in one transaction, but please be aware that you will only be able to select one lockup period per transaction.
- 3. Unstake your Adventure Pass. When you unstake, you will no longer be able to earn points nor level up.
What rewards will I receive for staking my Adventure Pass?
In the future, you will be able to use your points to purchase points-exclusive in-game items from the Rumble Racing Star shop. There will also be benefits that are open to members who have reached a certain level milestone.
Will the points and levels be transferable?
The points and levels are linked to the individual Delabs Adventure Pass NFT, not the holder. If an Adventure Pass is sold or transferred, the points and levels it accumulated can be used by the next owner.
For example, let’s say John’s Adventure Pass has reached level 10 and accumulated 100 points. If he transfers or sells it to Mary, Mary can now use the 100 points and enjoy the benefits of having a level 10 Adventure Pass. Furthermore, at the time when the Adventure Pass is unstaked, the level of the pass will be logged to the metadata of the Adventure Pass. Points of each Adventure Pass are searchable through our status checker page.
When exactly does the level up happen? Will I be at a disadvantage if I stake for longer periods of time?
The levels are logged even when the Adventure Pass is staked. You will be able to check your most current level status through our staking website. However, the level will only be logged to the metadata of the Adventure Pass when the pass is locked up again during staking OR is unstaked. Even during staking, your pass will be able to claim rewards for your current level.
I hold Adventure Passes in multiple wallets, how do I switch to a different wallet?
First, disconnect your wallet by clicking on the wallet address on the top right and then the disconnect button. Select the wallet you would like to switch to from the wallet application of choice, then reconnect your wallet.